Cybersecurity & Information Technology Program is in the February spotlight | News, Sports, Jobs

The Columbiana County Career and Technical Center (CCCTC) has been a beacon of career and technical education for students of Columbiana County since its inception in 1977.
Four years ago, the pandemic forced a change in how we did things, and we were fortunate to have local newspapers willing to assist us in getting the word out to county students and families about our programs through a series of monthly articles.
While things have returned to normal, this new normal allowed the CCCTC to usher in some significant changes during the last four years.
The building has had major renovations to align the lab settings with the industries in the community that are being served and to provide the students with the 21st skills they need by learning with cutting-edge technology and equipment.
Along with renovations, a new program has been added and several new lab instructors have joined the staff. Friendly and familiar faces people have known for years have been replaced with new friendly faces due to staff members meeting the service year and age requirements for retirement. So, during the remainder of the school year, the changes that have occurred at the CCCTC will be highlighted to keep the community informed about the state of career and technical education in their county.
Current sophomore students who are interested in enrolling in a program for the 2025-26 school year are invited to do so by visiting the CCCTC’s webpage ( and completing the enrollment application which is available now.
Any questions about the programs or the requirements for enrollment should be directed to Sue Allison, guidance administrator, at (330) 424-9561 ext. 118 or [email protected].
The subject of the February spotlight is the Cybersecurity & Information Technology Program (CIT). There are two new aspects to highlight with this program.
First, this is a name change to the program which also resulted in a curriculum change and a newly-renovated lab space. For many years, the program was called the Information Technology Academy. To keep up with the constantly changing world of technology, everything had to change. We now live in a world where cybersecurity is a necessity for every business which means there must be well-trained individuals to fill those positions.
The second aspect to be highlighted is the fairly new instructor, Mr. Jeffrey Williams, who is in his third year of teaching this program. He brings a wealth of knowledge to the program.
Benefits of Being a
Student in the Program
Students in the Cybersecurity & Information Technology Program at the CCCTC gain so much hands-on experience by having access to the latest technologies in the field of IT which allows them to learn the ins and outs of computer hardware, networking, cybersecurity, programming, and automation.
The lab environment cannot be replicated in just any school setting or even in some college settings. Students not only learn the necessary theory required to be successful in the field, but they also get to immediately put this knowledge to work and practice the skills they learn every single day.
They are fortunate to learn and work in a collaborative lab environment that mirrors the real-world workplaces where they will eventually be seeking employment. This prepares them for whichever path they choose to pursue after high school whether it be continuing their education at a 4-year or 2-year post-secondary school or heading straight into industry.
The courses through the program are relevant and focused on equipping students for their next steps. The curriculum includes opportunities to complete industry-recognized certifications, participation in a capstone project, and engagement in local, regional, and possibly state and national competitions.
Students leave this program with technical knowledge, but also the critical soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving which makes them career-ready the second they walk out of the doors of the CCCTC upon graduation.
Credentials and Articulation
Agreements for the Program
Career-Technical Education not only prepares students for the workforce, but also allows them to start on their post-secondary path. Students who put effort into learning will leave the CCCTC with the credentials they need to successfully enter straight into the workforce. All students enrolled in the CCCTC’s Cybersecurity & Information Technology program become certified in OSHA-10. Students also have the opportunity to earn the following Industry-recognized credentials that are highly valued in the IT and technology fields upon successful completion of the course: CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ (ITF+), CompTIA Cloud+, and Google IT Support Professional Certificate.
Very high achieving students can additionally earn Python Programming Certification, Google Cybersecurity Professional Certificate, Siemens PLC Certification, and Amazon Web Services Certificates.
Another benefit to students is that the Cybersecurity & Information Technology Program currently has an articulation agreement with one institution of higher learning, The University of Akron. With this being the first year of the newly named and program, the courses from U of A that students will be granted credit for are not yet available.
It is also likely that more articulation agreements will be obtained. Successful completion of the ITC course and meeting all eligibility requirements while in high school can earn students’ college credit towards a degree in the field.
Essentially, students receive credit for the classes for free and start college with some of the required coursework already completed giving them a head start over students who did not complete a career and technical program in Information Technology and Cybersecurity.
There are options for providing students opportunities to earn accelerated and dual enrollment credit: Career-Tech Assurance Guides (CTAG), bilateral agreements and College Credit Plus. The Cybersecurity & Information Technology course at the CCCTC would be the CTAG pathway. CTAGs provide free direct college transcript credit for the associated equivalent college course at any in-state, public university upon matriculation.
Student Spotlight
An exemplary student for the CIT program is Arlo Bell. Arlo is a senior from Crestview Local High School.
Arlo has truly excelled at everything that has been put in front of him. He is the back-to-back SkillsUSA Technical Math Champion for our local competitions.
Last year he placed and regionals and advanced all the way to the state competition. On January 31, he will be competing again at the regional competition hoping to make his way back to Columbus for the state competition again this year.
He is currently working on a capstone project that involves building and programming his own video game using Python. Arlo’s ability to innovate and apply his skills to solve real-world challenges is truly impressive.
In addition, he’s excelled in earning certifications, passing each one on his first attempt. He shows incredible initiative and leadership. He is the local CTSO SkillsUSA chapter President for the CIT class. His passion for technology, consistent commitment to excellence, and willingness to take a leadership role makes him a truly standout student.
Instructor Spotlight
Instructor Jeffrey Williams, a 2009 graduate of Beaver Local High School, was born and raised in Columbiana County.
Prior to starting a career in education, he spent over a decade working in IT. He began his career working as an intern for a help desk, and over time, ultimately worked his way up through the ranks to being an IT Administrator. Transitioning from an industry like IT, where much of the work is done quietly and independently, to the career field of education, where you are constantly communicating with students, is a big jump.
His decision to move into teaching was driven by a desire to emulate his father and give back to his community. Mr. Williams’ father worked in education for most of his career and always spoke about the duty to help your community improve anyway you could.
This always stuck with Mr. Williams and so when the teaching position came open through a retirement, it was a natural transition for him. He knows that working with students from his backyard in Columbiana County will help them develop lifelong skills. By being able to do that, he believes that he is fulfilling the duty that he was driven to pursue.
CCCTC’s Cybersecurity
& Information Technology
Program Benefits Local Industry
Graduates of the program are ready to enter the workforce with practical, real-world skills and certifications that meet the needs of today’s employers.
They’re trained in troubleshooting, system setup and maintenance, programming, and cybersecurity, giving them the tools to excel in roles such as IT technicians and network administrators.
Additionally, the focus on soft skills taught at the CCCTC ensures that students who complete the two-year program are strong communicators and collaborators. Local businesses can benefit by hiring CCCTC students and graduates because they gain skilled professionals who are prepared to hit the ground running and contribute to their organizations from day one.
Any student who is interested in enrolling in the Cybersecurity & Information Technology Program as well as any other programs offered by the CCCTC should complete the online application at
In order to secure a spot in the program of choice, students should enroll by April 1 before programs begin to fill up, so don’t delay on enrolling today.
Any questions about the programs can be directed to Sue Allison at extension 118 ([email protected]) or Michelle Fitzsimmons at extension 158 ([email protected]) at the Columbiana County Career and Technical Center.